Time Based Media


Lighting wasn’t the first thing on my mind when I thought about my film, for my idea, my first scene of the video will be rather dark as it’s going to appear like I’m waking up to start my day. As in the previous video I made of the walking sequence, the last scene focused on myself turning the lights on. This time, I want me idea to be different, in that the first light will come in from opening the curtains. As part of my everyday routine, I have a wake me up light (It’s SO handy, I don’t have to set an alarm because the light gently wakes me up!) so the light will most probably be on for me to create some sort of first scene that isn’t completely pitch black. Other than this lighting idea, I plan on using the natural light for the remainder of the video (hopefully – depending on what kind of weather we get in the next few days!)

So, I decided to take some photos in dark lighting to see what kind of mood I got. In my previous post, I said I was afraid of fire and apparently its good to face fears head on to get over them or whatever (rolling eye emoji) so I lit a candle. Internally screamed a little, and got as close as I dared with my camera. One small step and all that…

So here are some of the photos:

I like the first photo thats projecting a bit of a blue glow. The second and third really took a long time to get this kind of see-through effect, and I burned half my mums candle away when I was finally able to see the wick in the middle.

Usually at this point, I’d say I had a lot of fun doing this, but I really didn’t. No point lying, my post it note that I had stuck on the wall fell off, caught fire and I frantically blew it out. Not doing that again.

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